The average coffee farmer in Cauca and Huila has about 1.5 hectares of coffee land and will produce about 50 bags of coffee per harvest. During the few months of harvest season, he or she will bring to town on a Saturday 10 or so bags of Pergamino to sell.
Before Gran Galope, the other coffees, anything below 86 (that's where most of the coffee lies), received the FNC price or the posted street price. In today's market of about $1.20, this standard price is simply an unfortunate break-even price for an entire year's-worth of what we all know is hard, committed, and disciplined work.
So today we are pulling out the top lots from those still-solid but lesser cupping coffees (think 84-85 points), paying a premium to the farmer and bulking them together to make full containers of delicious, rich chocolatey Colombian coffee.
SOURCE: Cafe Imports
Origin: Colombia
Region: Huila
Farm: Various smallholder farmers
Variety: Castillo, Caturra, Colombia
Altitude: 1700 masl (av.)
Process Method: Washed and sun dried